Behind the Scenes: Hans Waldemar Remembers Normandy

This post originally appeared on Snark and Sensibility with Linda Wood Rondeau. This year, Thursday June 6th marks the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings at Normandy. Has it really been eighty years since the turning point of the Second World War? Earlier this spring, I could not shake the feeling that there was somethingContinue reading “Behind the Scenes: Hans Waldemar Remembers Normandy”

Book Reviews and Reflections: Bonhoeffer

I gave this book 5 stars before I even finished it. I honestly don’t know how I can possibly write a review that will give it justice, without the review being so long that you might as well just read the book itself. Here is the succinct review I left on Goodreads: “An incredibly richContinue reading “Book Reviews and Reflections: Bonhoeffer”

Film Reviews and Reflections: The Captain

I know I don’t take enough time to watch movies, not even the movies I need to watch. Case in point: this film was on my list for almost three years! As the poster above states, this film is “darkly evocative.” It is even filmed in black and white, giving it the feel of filmContinue reading “Film Reviews and Reflections: The Captain”

Book and Film Review: The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff

Today’s post will be a combined review of a book, Death on the Baltic by Cathryn J. Prince, and a German Film, Die Gustloff. Before I dive into these, however, I want to give some background on the little-known WW2 sinking of the German cruise liner, MV Wilhelm Gustloff. By January 1945, the Russian armyContinue reading “Book and Film Review: The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff”