“I Finished My Manuscript – Now What?” A Guest Post by Author Jane Daly

I’m especially excited about this post, because I know there are many aspiring writers out there. What’s holding you back? Maybe you feel you have nothing to contribute, or maybe you’re overwhelmed with the idea of actually publishing something. Maybe you have completed your manuscript but you just don’t know what the next step shouldContinue reading ““I Finished My Manuscript – Now What?” A Guest Post by Author Jane Daly”

The Romance of Fun: A Guest Post by Author Jennifer Slattery

Marriage isn’t a topic I have addressed much here on the blog, except perhaps where it relates to my characters, whose hopes for an idyllic union always seem to be interrupted by major historical events. But even without such turmoil, real-life romance can be tough to keep alive. Today, I am excited to welcome author,Continue reading “The Romance of Fun: A Guest Post by Author Jennifer Slattery”

The Origins of The Rise of the Y: A Guest Blog by Angela D. Shelton

I’m very excited. This is the first time I’ve opened up the blog to a fellow author, and today I’d love to introduce you to Angela D. Shelton. Angela is an author of dystopian fiction, and while she categorizes her books as YA, I thoroughly enjoyed the tale she told in her book Collapse! OnContinue reading “The Origins of The Rise of the Y: A Guest Blog by Angela D. Shelton”