Behind the Scenes: Hans Waldemar Remembers Normandy

This post originally appeared on Snark and Sensibility with Linda Wood Rondeau. This year, Thursday June 6th marks the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings at Normandy. Has it really been eighty years since the turning point of the Second World War? Earlier this spring, I could not shake the feeling that there was somethingContinue reading “Behind the Scenes: Hans Waldemar Remembers Normandy”

Book Review and Reflections: The Last Hours in Paris

I have a confession: I have a very, very hard time reading a lot of the World War II fiction out there. I know, the experts say you have to read in your genre, and of course I do, but the majority of my WW2-related reading consists of soldier memoirs and non-fiction. When it comesContinue reading “Book Review and Reflections: The Last Hours in Paris”