Wander or Not: A Guest Post By Author R.F. Whong

This month, I am thrilled to introduce you to another of my fellow Brave Authors, Ruth “R. F.” Whong. Earlier this year, I enjoyed her book Prestige of Hearts. It was a sweet story that was not without depth and kept me turning the pages. My first read in the Asian Fiction genre. For thoseContinue reading “Wander or Not: A Guest Post By Author R.F. Whong”

“I Finished My Manuscript – Now What?” A Guest Post by Author Jane Daly

I’m especially excited about this post, because I know there are many aspiring writers out there. What’s holding you back? Maybe you feel you have nothing to contribute, or maybe you’re overwhelmed with the idea of actually publishing something. Maybe you have completed your manuscript but you just don’t know what the next step shouldContinue reading ““I Finished My Manuscript – Now What?” A Guest Post by Author Jane Daly”

Behind the Scenes in The Samaritan’s Patient: A Guest Post by Author Chevron Ross

Today I’ve invited another Brave Author to share about their latest release. For those who haven’t heard yet, Brave Authors is a group that launched back in January. We are a group of twelve authors who aren’t afraid to tackle tough, and sometimes taboo, subjects while still maintaining a Christian worldview, and the hope isContinue reading “Behind the Scenes in The Samaritan’s Patient: A Guest Post by Author Chevron Ross”

Using Fiction for Social Justice: A Guest Blog by Author B.D. Lawrence

Today, I have the pleasure of introducing you to B.D. Lawrence. He is part of the newly-launched, collaborative effort Brave Authors, a group of twelve fiction writers who have taken on the challenge of writing about tough subjects through a Christian worldview. According to his website, Brian’s favorite superheroes are Batman and The Punisher, butContinue reading “Using Fiction for Social Justice: A Guest Blog by Author B.D. Lawrence”