Film Reviews and Reflections: The Captain

I know I don’t take enough time to watch movies, not even the movies I need to watch. Case in point: this film was on my list for almost three years! As the poster above states, this film is “darkly evocative.” It is even filmed in black and white, giving it the feel of filmContinue reading “Film Reviews and Reflections: The Captain”

Book and Film Review: The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff

Today’s post will be a combined review of a book, Death on the Baltic by Cathryn J. Prince, and a German Film, Die Gustloff. Before I dive into these, however, I want to give some background on the little-known WW2 sinking of the German cruise liner, MV Wilhelm Gustloff. By January 1945, the Russian armyContinue reading “Book and Film Review: The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff”

Film Reviews and Reflections: Downfall

Today’s post will be the first in a new series that includes: Film Reviews and ReflectionsBook Reviews and Reflections I have watched so many great movies and read so many fascinating books in the last few years. I decided that I need a place to share reviews and thoughts, especially with those who share myContinue reading “Film Reviews and Reflections: Downfall”